Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Spiritual Couples in Wicca

Guidance in Wicca comes from our Ladies and Lords if there is to be more then just the basic principles of union that complete the cycles of life. For this purpose wiccan practitioners look to many Goddess and Gods for a personal connection. They find that the Goddess and God can be found in many forms and names. There are a few Wiccan that I have talked to that say that the Lady is not always associated with the Moon and the Lord not connected to the Sun. There are a few myths that have the sun being connected to the Goddess and the moon being connected to the Gods found in Pagan Lore.

Not only is there a difference in the image of the Goddess but also how she is represented. There is the idea of her being the mother of the universe all-pleasant and happy and joyful. However when you look at mother in nature you see them as defenders of their young they strive to protect them which tooth and claw, not the image we expect for someone that is siren. Where in a few myths we see the God as not always devoted to the Goddess and that he wonders (Look at Hera and Zeus ). If we look at mythology the Goddess and God are not perfect. This showing of them not as perfect allows us to look at our own fault and being excepting of others faults. Where in the case of the Goddess and God they have no one to look at we have there many examples to draw on.

Take Hera and Zeus. If you look at Hera outside of her relationship with Zeus and his indiscretions we would not understand her action to Titaness Leto, Cellisto and Alkmena. When adding Zeus to the pictures with his children not from Hera, we can understand Hera jealousy. This mythology gives us a warning to couples that are mismatched in there choice in partners, or when one is not open and honest with in there relationship with there partner.

Hera, is the Greek goddess the “Queen of Heaven”,  she had power before her marriage to Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods.  Hera ruled the heavens and the earth she was responsible for every aspect from the seasons and weather. She was honored for her capacity to nurture her name translates to "Great Lady". Our word galaxy comes from the Greek word gala meaning "mother's milk" . . . legend has it that the Milky Way was formed from the milk spurting from the breasts of the Greek goddess Hera, Queen of Heaven.  Where drops fell to earth, fields of lilies sprung forth. 

Not only is she worshipped in Greek mythology but also in Roman goddess Juno, and the month of June (Even today she influence lives that do not celebrate Wicca and that are Christian in that the most popular month for weddings is June). The month of June is names in her honor.

Hera beauty and particular her beautiful eyes links her to the sacred animal the cow (In India culture we see that they worship the cow and it is sacred)  and the peacock. The cow represents watchfulness over her subjects, where as the peacock represents luxury, beauty and immortality.

Hare role in life is to protect a woman’s marriage, fertility, protect children and help find financial security. Hare is a complete woman in that she has a privet and public face.

Shiva and Parvati

Shiva is often seen as a destroyer however when united with Parvati in her incarnation as Shakti we see her as creation (the Great Rites). In another perspective of Parvati as Kali we see her as a savior of lives.

Their story as been repeated with many variations but the basics still hold in that mortals seek out Shiva and he is not around and Parvati steps into help.
Mortal seek to kill demons and they need help from the gods for every time they kill a demon there blood strikes the earth and demons are born. Defending the country folks people is normally left to Shiva with him gone it is left to Parvati. When hearing the problem she told the countrymen that she would unroll her tongue on the earth. She told the men to trick the demons on to her tongue and there kill them without fear of their blood hitting the earth. When the killing is done she bring her tongue back into her mouth destroys the diamonds. Thing are not as simple as them seam for the blood of the demons cause her to go into a killing rage transforming her to Kali.     

Wiccan relationship with Deity
Diana and Endymion by Walter Crane (1883)

Members of Wicca have personal relationship with the creator in its many forms. People call them “idol worshipers,” this statement only shows their ignorance of Wicca and their beliefs and ideology. There respect for the Goddesses and God’s come from the understanding and attraction to the story they represent and what they can teach the reader.

In each story of the Goddess we learn about relationship. Their story shows the student about earthly relationships. They teach us to form relationships on personality and respect not on the outer shall (Hare and Zues). If we only look at relationships for what we will gain us or because, of the outer shell the relationship is doomed. 

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